

29歲男子遭法警擊斃 涉嫌放火燒猶太教廟

法國警察星期五早上約6時45分 在北部城市盧昂(Rouen)開槍擊斃一名男子 ,表示這名男子正向一間猶太教廟縱火。




「(David) McCrone(, co-director of the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh,) laughs at the simplicity of the view from London of the Scottish question. “The view from there tends to espy two possibilities: that Scotland will never be independent, and that independence is inevitable. I think it’s much more complicated than that. We live in a world where independence can be a problem. In reality, we’re talking about degrees of self-government. If independence is understood to be the classic nineteenth-century independent state with borders and armies and all those things, well, of course that’s not going to happen. That’s not the world we live in,” he explains. “In the world today, self-government is shared at different levels. Both Spain and Britain are members of the European Union. And the EU has power too. It’s not a matter of absolute sovereignty, but of shared sovereignty.”
「“My personal prediction is that Britain will follow a path to a confederation,” David McCrone continues. “In other words, when it will have to come, at some point in the future, there will be higher levels of self-government. Just as there are in Belgium, for very different reasons and in another context. Devolution of powers in Flanders and Wallonia is considerable. We are moving toward a world confederation, not a world of completely independent states. A world in which Scotland, Catalonia and of course the Basque Country will go further in self-government. Things change......」





【香港間諜案】一被告證實為香港經貿辦職員 另外二人為英國邊境人員 月初強闖「異見人士」住宅觸發拘捕行動

【文章上載於英國時間下午2時5分,更新於2時45分】 就 英國警方星期一早上宣佈起訴3名男子涉嫌協助「香港情報機關」工作一案 ,3人同日上午已在倫敦西敏裁判法院上庭, 《旗幟晚報》網站引述法庭文件報導 ,確認63歲被捕男子「Chung Biu Yuen」就是香港駐倫敦經貿辦行政經理袁松彪。

英警拘10男1女起訴當中3人 涉嫌協助「香港情報機關」違國安法

英國「蘇格蘭場」星期一早上宣佈, 拘捕10男1女,並起訴當中3名男子 ,他們涉嫌協助「香港情報機關」工作,違反《國家安全法2023》。

斯洛伐克總理Fico遭槍擊 情況危殆送院搶救 71歲翁當場被捕

【文章上載於斯洛伐克時間15日下午3時50分;更新於下午7時52分】 斯洛伐克總理 Robert Fico 星期三下午遭槍擊,已送往醫院搶救。警方當場拘捕71歲槍手。

以色列Eurovision參賽遇示威 奪冠賠率仍排第2

Eurovision第二場預賽星期四晚在瑞典的馬爾默(Malmo)舉行,由於以色列歌手 Eden Golan 參加這一場預賽,因此惹來 抗議以色列攻打加沙的人士在會場外示威 。Golan 最終打入星期六晚舉行的決賽,根據賠率,她奪得今年冠軍的機會仍然排第2。

【香港間諜案】香港特府回應稱中國大使館已回應 大使館斥編造案件無理指責
