白金漢宮 星期四晚宣佈 ,英皇查理斯三世因為癌症治療出現臨時副作用,當天較早時曾短暫入院治療,雖然已經返回克拉倫斯宮(Clarence House)處理公務,但需要取消星期五出訪伯明翰的行程。
西班牙國皇卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I)10日在伊比利-美洲峰會(即包括西班牙、葡萄牙、另一歐洲國家安道爾,以及西語及葡語系美洲國家共22個國家)上,在委內瑞拉總統查韋斯(Hugo Chavez)不斷打斷西班牙首相薩帕特羅(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero)的發言下,用手指指著查韋斯,怒斥他:點解你唔收聲?!(?por que no te callas?/為何你不安靜?)
查韋斯峰會期間不斷指西班牙前首相阿斯納爾(Jose Maria Aznar Lopez)是法西斯主義者,而在爭論前亦不斷重覆同一論調。由於阿斯納爾是美國總統喬治布殊(George W. Bush)的盟友,支持攻伊,並在2002年支持企圖推翻查韋斯的政變,因此二人向來不和。薩帕特羅為阿斯納爾辯護,強調阿斯納爾無論如何都是在民主機制下由西班牙人民選出來,希望其他國家能夠尊重。
-Zapatero: “ We are in a committee of democratic governments which represent their citizens in an Ibero American community which has respect as main principle. You can be diametrically opposed to a political idea, I don’t share former president Aznar’s ideas, but former president Aznar was chosen by Spanish people and I demand, I demand…
-Chavez: Tell him to respect.
-Zapatero: I demand you......., one moment….
-Chavez: Tell him the same.
-Zapatero: I demand that respect for one reason, moreover…..
-Chavez: Tell him the same, president.
-Zapatero: Of course.
-Chavez: Tell him the same....
-Spain’s King: Why don’t you shut up?
-Bachelet: Please, don’t make a conversation, you have already had time to express your points of view, president, you have to finish,
-Chavez: President Aznar may be Spanish but he is a fascist and a……
-Zapatero: President Hugo Chavez, I think an essence exists, and it is that in order to respect and to be respected, we must try not to discredit. You can have different ideas, condemn conducts, but without discrediting. What I want to express is that a good way to work is to understand each other in favour of our countries, we must respect each other, and I ask – president Bachelet- that must be a rule of conduct in a summit which represents citizens, we must respect our leaders, every presidents and former presidents of all the countries that form this community.
I think it is a good principle and I strongly wish that should be a rule of conduct, because conduct gives essence to things, and you can disagree with everything respecting the rules, that is the principle in order to be respected.
I’m sure that all this committee and all Latin Americans want every democratic leaders (…) to be respected, today and tomorrow, although we have different beliefs.
-Chavez: Venezuela’s Government reserves the right to answer any attack anywhere, and in any tone.
查韋斯峰會期間不斷指西班牙前首相阿斯納爾(Jose Maria Aznar Lopez)是法西斯主義者,而在爭論前亦不斷重覆同一論調。由於阿斯納爾是美國總統喬治布殊(George W. Bush)的盟友,支持攻伊,並在2002年支持企圖推翻查韋斯的政變,因此二人向來不和。薩帕特羅為阿斯納爾辯護,強調阿斯納爾無論如何都是在民主機制下由西班牙人民選出來,希望其他國家能夠尊重。
-Zapatero: “ We are in a committee of democratic governments which represent their citizens in an Ibero American community which has respect as main principle. You can be diametrically opposed to a political idea, I don’t share former president Aznar’s ideas, but former president Aznar was chosen by Spanish people and I demand, I demand…
-Chavez: Tell him to respect.
-Zapatero: I demand you......., one moment….
-Chavez: Tell him the same.
-Zapatero: I demand that respect for one reason, moreover…..
-Chavez: Tell him the same, president.
-Zapatero: Of course.
-Chavez: Tell him the same....
-Spain’s King: Why don’t you shut up?
-Bachelet: Please, don’t make a conversation, you have already had time to express your points of view, president, you have to finish,
-Chavez: President Aznar may be Spanish but he is a fascist and a……
-Zapatero: President Hugo Chavez, I think an essence exists, and it is that in order to respect and to be respected, we must try not to discredit. You can have different ideas, condemn conducts, but without discrediting. What I want to express is that a good way to work is to understand each other in favour of our countries, we must respect each other, and I ask – president Bachelet- that must be a rule of conduct in a summit which represents citizens, we must respect our leaders, every presidents and former presidents of all the countries that form this community.
I think it is a good principle and I strongly wish that should be a rule of conduct, because conduct gives essence to things, and you can disagree with everything respecting the rules, that is the principle in order to be respected.
I’m sure that all this committee and all Latin Americans want every democratic leaders (…) to be respected, today and tomorrow, although we have different beliefs.
-Chavez: Venezuela’s Government reserves the right to answer any attack anywhere, and in any tone.