

阿塞拜疆航空墜毀 疑涉俄鎧甲-S飛彈擊落

一架阿塞拜疆航空客機星期三在哈薩克墜毀, 路透等一些媒體引述阿塞拜疆的消息人士報導 ,初步調查結果顯示,客機遭俄羅斯的鎧甲—S(Pantsir-S)防空導彈擊中而墜落,並造成38人死亡。




「(David) McCrone(, co-director of the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh,) laughs at the simplicity of the view from London of the Scottish question. “The view from there tends to espy two possibilities: that Scotland will never be independent, and that independence is inevitable. I think it’s much more complicated than that. We live in a world where independence can be a problem. In reality, we’re talking about degrees of self-government. If independence is understood to be the classic nineteenth-century independent state with borders and armies and all those things, well, of course that’s not going to happen. That’s not the world we live in,” he explains. “In the world today, self-government is shared at different levels. Both Spain and Britain are members of the European Union. And the EU has power too. It’s not a matter of absolute sovereignty, but of shared sovereignty.”
「“My personal prediction is that Britain will follow a path to a confederation,” David McCrone continues. “In other words, when it will have to come, at some point in the future, there will be higher levels of self-government. Just as there are in Belgium, for very different reasons and in another context. Devolution of powers in Flanders and Wallonia is considerable. We are moving toward a world confederation, not a world of completely independent states. A world in which Scotland, Catalonia and of course the Basque Country will go further in self-government. Things change......」





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【文章上載於英國時間16日中午12時49分,更新於同日下午5時22分】 英國上周爆出,安德魯王子原來曾讓一名替中國統戰部工作的商人「H6」接近自己,讓對方進入到白金漢宮等重要地點。 皇室消息人士透過一些星期一刊登的報章放風,要求安德魯自己主動缺席多個皇室聖誕活動 ;同日稍後,多間英國傳媒引述消息人士報導,安德魯至少不會出席聖誕崇拜。