

手提行李、相鄰劃行全收費 西班牙罰Ryanair等5廉航近1.8億歐元

西班牙消費者權益部星期五宣佈, 處罰Ryanair等5間廉航近1.8億歐元 ,指控他們壓榨乘客權益。




「(David) McCrone(, co-director of the Institute of Governance at the University of Edinburgh,) laughs at the simplicity of the view from London of the Scottish question. “The view from there tends to espy two possibilities: that Scotland will never be independent, and that independence is inevitable. I think it’s much more complicated than that. We live in a world where independence can be a problem. In reality, we’re talking about degrees of self-government. If independence is understood to be the classic nineteenth-century independent state with borders and armies and all those things, well, of course that’s not going to happen. That’s not the world we live in,” he explains. “In the world today, self-government is shared at different levels. Both Spain and Britain are members of the European Union. And the EU has power too. It’s not a matter of absolute sovereignty, but of shared sovereignty.”
「“My personal prediction is that Britain will follow a path to a confederation,” David McCrone continues. “In other words, when it will have to come, at some point in the future, there will be higher levels of self-government. Just as there are in Belgium, for very different reasons and in another context. Devolution of powers in Flanders and Wallonia is considerable. We are moving toward a world confederation, not a world of completely independent states. A world in which Scotland, Catalonia and of course the Basque Country will go further in self-government. Things change......」





【中英峰會開場photo op】施紀賢一談黎智英 中國官員即「推走」英記者

中英舉行6年來首次親身見面的峰會,英國首相施紀賢(Keir Starmer)與中國國家主席習近平趁在巴西出席G20峰會,星期一舉行雙邊會談。施紀賢表示,希望建立強大的英中關係,但 當他在容許媒體拍攝的峰會開場白,提及英國關注黎智英在獄中健康惡化的報導時,在場中國官員立即把全部2名英國記者「推出」會場 。

瑞典大臣有「恐蕉症」 幕僚須確保場地全無香蕉

瑞典傳媒星期三報導, 瑞典男女平等大臣 Paulina Brandberg(附圖)原來有「恐蕉症」(bananaphobia) ,她每次出席公開活動,她的幕僚在她抵達前都要確保場地一隻香蕉都沒有。


英國首相施紀賢(Keir Starmer)星期二在里約熱內盧出席G20峰會期間舉行記者會,被問及同日較早時香港法院就「47人案」作出裁決,對當中45人判囚4年2月至10年,他會否譴責這個裁決。 《金融時報》報導時,標題稱他「拒絕譴責」 。

波羅的海兩海底電纜損毀 疑遭中國貨船「伊鵬3」切斷

星期一先後傳出有兩條波羅的海海底電纜被切斷,綜合 芬蘭《晚報》(Iltalehti) 和 瑞典電視台 SVT 星期二報導,丹麥海岸防衛隊發現,在估計電纜切斷的時間,剛好中國貨船「伊鵬3」(Yi Peng 3)在兩條電纜遭破壞的位置附近都曾駛過,執法人員正調查今次是否中國貨船的破壞行為。

涉嫌強姦 挪威王儲繼子被捕

挪威警方星期二宣佈, 第三度拘捕王儲 Haakon 的27歲繼子 Marius Borg Høiby (文首照片),計劃加控他強姦罪名。