伯明翰全部近400名清潔工人全面罷工在周四踏入第10天,但工會仍未能就薪酬問題跟市政府達成共識,導致 市內多處堆積垃圾,老鼠橫行 ,街上很多在馬路上被車撞死的鼠屍沒有人處理。
新加坡通訊及新聞部週五發出嚴厲聲明,斥責《經濟學人》新加坡辦公室主管 Dominic Ziegler 撰文支持當地獨立網媒 Jom,並暗示新加坡是「不自由國家」,構成干預新加坡內政,聲明警告他不要再這樣做。
聲明(全文可參閱這裏)批評,公開撐 Jom 等同鼓勵新加坡人相信另類觀點,而並非接受政府及 Ziegler 「所謂受控制傳媒」的看法。
聲明稱,這個行為已超越了報導新加坡的界線,屬於參與新加坡內政,批評Ziegler 濫用他在一間享負盛名的國際媒體當記者這個身份,向新加坡鼓吹他對新加坡的觀點。
綜合Jom及Reddit這篇post,Jom 有記者/創辦人曾在《經濟學人》的關連部門工作,Ziegler便找他替《經濟學人》寫了一些有關新加坡的稿件,當這個記者自立門戶參與Jom,Ziegler便寫了篇短文支持Jom。
Reddit已copy and paste那篇8月25日所發表的文章的全文,下面我也會全文paste(但不翻譯),大致是讚揚 Jom 的文章文筆好,穿透新加坡社會,有人情味。
"I love Jom. It's driven by an infectious curiosity and by a deep attachment to the great city-state of Singapore and the world it floats in. Jom is penetrating, bold, unflinching and funny. Above all, it is humane. It touches deeper truths about the way Singapore is run and about the culture that runs through all Singaporeans than you will ever find in the state-supported press. It is also better written, but that is not all: the best writing in Singapore is matched by classy artwork. It is an end-of-the-week joy to have Jom in your hands or on your laptop.
Jom enlightens and gives pleasure. More than that, in illiberal states around the world independent media need supporters. Those states and their captive media presume to know what is best for us. But with no independent voices to question things, how can they be so sure? How can they give weight to all the voices of society, rather than just the most powerful ones? Every Singaporean wants a kinder, fairer future. By offering visions of alternative Singapores, Jom is already reaching for that future. What's that, if not patriotism?"
早前,政府稱Jom有關內政部長尚穆根(K. Shanmugam)和外長維文(Vivian Balakrishnan)低價租住萊道路(Ridout Road)洋房一事的文章,涉及失實內容,根據「網上假消息及操控保護法」(POFMA)發出修改令。
聲明(全文可參閱這裏)批評,公開撐 Jom 等同鼓勵新加坡人相信另類觀點,而並非接受政府及 Ziegler 「所謂受控制傳媒」的看法。
聲明稱,這個行為已超越了報導新加坡的界線,屬於參與新加坡內政,批評Ziegler 濫用他在一間享負盛名的國際媒體當記者這個身份,向新加坡鼓吹他對新加坡的觀點。
綜合Jom及Reddit這篇post,Jom 有記者/創辦人曾在《經濟學人》的關連部門工作,Ziegler便找他替《經濟學人》寫了一些有關新加坡的稿件,當這個記者自立門戶參與Jom,Ziegler便寫了篇短文支持Jom。
Reddit已copy and paste那篇8月25日所發表的文章的全文,下面我也會全文paste(但不翻譯),大致是讚揚 Jom 的文章文筆好,穿透新加坡社會,有人情味。
"I love Jom. It's driven by an infectious curiosity and by a deep attachment to the great city-state of Singapore and the world it floats in. Jom is penetrating, bold, unflinching and funny. Above all, it is humane. It touches deeper truths about the way Singapore is run and about the culture that runs through all Singaporeans than you will ever find in the state-supported press. It is also better written, but that is not all: the best writing in Singapore is matched by classy artwork. It is an end-of-the-week joy to have Jom in your hands or on your laptop.
Jom enlightens and gives pleasure. More than that, in illiberal states around the world independent media need supporters. Those states and their captive media presume to know what is best for us. But with no independent voices to question things, how can they be so sure? How can they give weight to all the voices of society, rather than just the most powerful ones? Every Singaporean wants a kinder, fairer future. By offering visions of alternative Singapores, Jom is already reaching for that future. What's that, if not patriotism?"
早前,政府稱Jom有關內政部長尚穆根(K. Shanmugam)和外長維文(Vivian Balakrishnan)低價租住萊道路(Ridout Road)洋房一事的文章,涉及失實內容,根據「網上假消息及操控保護法」(POFMA)發出修改令。